The presents are unwrapped. It is now time of holiday cleaning. If you feel that cleaning up those Christmas decors daunting, worry no more. Tips on storing Christmas Decorations I have listed below are of help to keep your holiday cleaning easy.
Get rid of the junk. Keep only the ornaments you think you will use again, toss that are don’t.
Wrap ornaments with newspaper. If you still have the original box of the ornaments, put them in and place in a storage container.
For the Christmas lights, roll them up. Remember not to place too many lights in the same box because it will become heavy and bulbs at the bottom can be damaged.
Ribbons will still be beautiful to use next year. When storing ribbons, rolled the long and flattened the wired one, these can be reshaped for the next year or spruce up for the
Storing and organizing them will not only make next Christmas decorations timeless tedious, you can also save much for you don’t need to spend for lot ornaments or damaged bulbs.
Oops. . . Before I end these tips don’t forget to tag your containers for easy identification specially if the containers are unclear. In this way, it will make you easier to identify if what’s inside the box.
Till the next holidays. . . Happy undecorating!