Wellness Wednesdays episode was again helpful to viewers who learned health related information, tips and remedies for a healthy lifestyle. In the latest episode, the topic was about psoriasis, its connection to our immune system and inflammatory responses. Doctor Sarah Balba-Cabodil, a dermatologist and recent guest speaker of Wellness Wednesdays episode shared information about psoriasis. According to her, “Psoriasis is a chronic skin infection that develops through a complex relationship between genetics and the environment”. It can cause parts of our system to be hyperactive and anything that triggers the immune system can cause psoriasis to flare up even stress.
When our body is stressed, it releases an output of pro-inflammatory proteins and psoriasis is extremely reactive to this which results in the immune system’s hyperactivity, heightened inflammation and an increase of visually obvious psoriasis symptoms. If you have psoriatic disease, you are already more prone to anxiety and depression. This cycle affects your everyday life and your relationship with the world. That’s why you need to attack both stress and psoriasis because each makes the other worse—you must break the cycle at both ends. Continue reading