Mylo Speech Buddy App Launched on World Autism Awareness Day to Accelerate Speech Development of Children with Autism

In conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day, Mylo Speech Buddy officially launched a pioneering Speech Development System designed to assist individuals with speech delays and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Aiming to aid nonverbal children in developing from zero words to their first word, the app employs a video modeling method and provides clear enunciation guidance for parents, fostering speech development from the comfort of their homes.

To ensure its efficiency in further aiding ASD and speech delay, the app closely collaborated with speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and medical professionals who prioritize the unique needs of individuals within the autism spectrum. Its team is composed of parents who have personal experience raising children with ASD, coupled with extensive expertise in content development for preschool and special education.

Vincent Rocha, President and CEO of Mylo Speech Buddy, emphasized the app’s pivotal role within the autism community, “Mylo Speech Buddy is a powerful platform that enables parents to actively support their child’s speech development right at home. It enhances and works alongside the valuable contributions of speech therapists and medical professionals, adding to a holistic approach to speech development rather than substituting professional care.”

Rocha also recalled his personal struggles and the app’s  efforts to improve for the autism community. “As a parent of a child with autism, I draw inspiration from the challenges my son, Noah, faced when diagnosed at the age of two,” he explained. “Our mission is to bolster individuals with autism in developing verbal abilities and to foster genuine support within the autism community.” Continue reading

Adapting to Modern Families: The New Age of Flexible Childcare Solutions

In today’s fast-paced society, traditional family structures have undergone significant changes. The days of the nuclear family with a stay-at-home mom and working dad are becoming increasingly rare. As a result, the need for flexible childcare solutions has become more prevalent than ever before.

This article will delve into the evolution of modern families, the rising demand for flexible childcare, various solutions available, and the benefits associated with implementing flexible childcare options.

Understanding the Evolution of Modern Families

Over the years, the dynamics of family structures have shifted dramatically. The traditional notion of a family consisting of a married couple and their biological children has expanded to encompass diverse arrangements. With changing societal norms, families today can include single parents, same-sex couples, blended families, and multigenerational households.

What is the Impact of Societal Changes on Families?

Gender Roles

Several societal changes have contributed to the evolution of modern families. One significant factor is the increasing participation of women in the workforce. As more women pursue careers and become financially independent, there is a growing demand for childcare solutions that can accommodate their busy schedules. This has led to the rise of daycare centers, after-school programs, and other forms of childcare support.

Family Structure

Advancements in reproductive technologies have also played a role in reshaping family dynamics. Same-sex couples and individuals now have the opportunity to have children through assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy. These advancements have opened up new possibilities for family formation and have challenged traditional notions of biological parenthood.

Cultural Diversity

Furthermore, the changing cultural landscape has contributed to the evolution of modern families. Society has become more accepting and inclusive, recognizing that love and commitment are not limited to traditional family structures. This shift in attitudes has created a more supportive environment for diverse families, allowing them to thrive and be recognized for their unique contributions to society.

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Things You Can Do To Help Your Child With Their Educational Future

School and education in general are a necessary part of growing up for our children. You may be considering homeschooling or checking out all the different options of schooling and education available to your child, and often those early years can seem quite daunting. There is a level of expectation that you can and will do all you can to ensure that your child gets the very best out of the hours spent in a school environment. We hope that they can learn as much as they can and then as they get older, they can feel confident in their choices to move on to further education. 

Education isn’t just about the school setting. There are so many ways you can incorporate learning into everyday life and teach things that they just can’t get in a classroom. Life lessons and education that will help them thrive as an adult is just as important as well. As a parent, you will want to do what you can to help them with their educational future. With that in mind, here are some of the things you could consider.     

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5 Tips to Teach Your Child About Computer Safety

Every parent wants their kid to focus and have fun in school as well as when they’re at home. Considering how many things you can do online, this productivity and enjoyment also extends to their devices. However, it’s natural for any parent to be cautious when letting their child use a tablet or browse the internet, so you should teach them how to stay safe on all devices around the home. 

Supervise Them

Younger kids should always be supervised when browsing their tablet or computer. This isn’t always because you’re worried they will stumble across something inappropriate, but rather that you want to ensure they use the resources correctly. If you can highlight how to search, view, and create things on the computer, they will feel more comfortable using the device alone when they’re older and are less likely to fall for common hacking tricks. 

Teach Them to Recognize Harmful Links 

Once they get old enough and are more likely to use their devices for homework research or communicating with friends, you should teach them how to recognize harmful links such as phishing emails or links filled with viruses. You can use this cybersecurity kit to train your kids how to determine whether a link or folder is trustworthy and you can remind them to always err on the side of caution unless it’s from a trusted source like their school or a relative.  Continue reading

Is Doing Your Best Enough To Be A Parent?

One of the things that you often hear people say when things don’t go their way is that they did their best. We’re told from a young age that all you can do is your best and that nobody can expect anything more from you, but is that true when you are a parent? Your kids need you to be your best for them as often as you can so that they have a good example growing up, but it’s true when people say that the most important thing is doing the best that you can. Let’s look at how you can do this.

  • Always Show Up

To be able to say that you have done your best to be the best parent possible, you need to always show up for your kids. When they need you, you need to be there, not just buy them material items, and hope that this makes up for your absence. It doesn’t. Showing up for your kids is the ultimate test of love, because there are going to be times when it is difficult for you to do so, but you have got to make it work Continue reading