Want to buy or sell something hassle-free and spending less on promotion?
Look for it or sell it online.
Yes, as we are now in the techy world we mostly use the internet as a means of communication, shopping, and searching information, promoting business worldwide is just a click away. Adopting this kind of marketing is possible for all businesses minded people, start-up entrepreneurs and everyone who is planning to buy and sell or promote Preloved items for sale.
You don’t need to be a techno geek and invest tons of capital in order to enter into the digital world of marketing. All you need to have is an internet connection and LookingFour, your safe and reliable e-commerce partner that will help in promoting your products and services to the market.
About LookingFour
A startup e-commerce platform for Filipinos where buying online is better with sigurado sellers. Registering to LookingFour is free. Users can buy and sell anything from brand new to preloved items, set their own shop name and provide a description for it. There are three (3) levels of ranking as a LookingFour member to verify, ensure the safety of shoppers and avoid scammers or fake accounts. These 3 levels of verification ranking are as follows:
The first and basic level where users verified accounts through Facebook Account, Valid Mobile Number and Valid Email Address. As a newcomer you can post a maximum of 10 posts, record sales through Cash On Delivery using the platform and set store names with descriptions.
Silver Certified
Same with the verification process of newcomers only that Silver Certified user provides a valid ID for additional verification, such as Passport, UMID, SSS ID, etc. Can post a maximum of 50 posts and is eligible to have their post featured on LookingFour frontpage. Aside from setting up store name and description, Silver Certified can predefine their store url based on their account username and record sales as well through Cash On Delivery.
Gold Certified
Users who are verified as Silver Certified and also verify their address by providing proof of billing such as Electric Bill, Internet Bill and other bills with verified addresses. Gold Certified users can have a maximum of 300 posts, benefits to be featured on the front page and profile featured on the Trusted Stores Section. Aside from record sales through Cash On Delivery, Gold Certified can also have the recording of bank transactions. More benefits are setting up store name, description, store url and adding store social media links.
LookingFour has this so-called “Lucky Shake” feature which is used to shuffle the products that users can see. This is very helpful for those who are wondering and looking for something to buy.
As a user of LookingFour you have to agree and follow the Policy, Terms and Conditions of the e-commerce platform. Learn more about LookingFour by visiting their website. Don’t forget to subscribe, follow their social media page for latest news and promos. Need more help? Visit the Help Center, Elfie buddy is always there whenever you need.
Be A LookingFour User Now
I am a Newcomer user and aiming to level up my registration for a Gold Certified user so I’m inviting you to be a LookingFour user now.
This e-commerce platform is easy to use. You can sell anything here, from new items to old ones. Actually, as a member my purpose is not just to buy items from trusted sellers, but to sell items as well, that are still in good condition like preloved clothes and costumes of my kids. Watch out for the opening of my store at www.lookingfour.com.
What else do I like in LookingFour? Items are organized, categorized and labeled according to its conditions: Brand New and Used. Hassle-free kind of buying and selling ever. Don’t miss this free opportunity to promote your product and increase sales.
What are you waiting for! Welcome yourself to LookingFour and enjoy buying and selling online!
Website: https://www.lookingfour.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LookingFourPH
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lookingfour_ph/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lookingfourph
Are you selling those kitchen ware? Cause I’ve been looking for them. My seller before closed shop and I haven’t completed my set, aahahaha! Let me know.
Hi, I’m not selling those kitchen wares, they’re token of the platform so I can try their service.
Wow, this is a great opportunity for small businesses especially when you are a beginner. It’s a good platform to connect with your potential buyers! very easy to sign up and hassle free online selling.
What a great opportunity to find good deals and sell your items too. E-commerce will continue to flourish and there is no sign of stopping.
This is the first time I’ve heard of this website!!! I’m sire to check it out because I have so many items on my wishlist!
naaliw ako!!! naghahanap ako niyan yellow na yan na me cover, coz me natanggap ako PR na me green version. i wanted to look for other colors! will check looking four! thanks!
good luck on your upcoming online store. platforms like this offer a good opportunity to do business online as well as buying things online.
Malaking tulong po itong LookingFor Buy and Sell Online para sa mga online sellers at naghahanap ng mga legit Products .. ??