Things You Can Do To Help Your Child With Their Educational Future

School and education in general are a necessary part of growing up for our children. You may be considering homeschooling or checking out all the different options of schooling and education available to your child, and often those early years can seem quite daunting. There is a level of expectation that you can and will do all you can to ensure that your child gets the very best out of the hours spent in a school environment. We hope that they can learn as much as they can and then as they get older, they can feel confident in their choices to move on to further education. 

Education isn’t just about the school setting. There are so many ways you can incorporate learning into everyday life and teach things that they just can’t get in a classroom. Life lessons and education that will help them thrive as an adult is just as important as well. As a parent, you will want to do what you can to help them with their educational future. With that in mind, here are some of the things you could consider.     

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White Bounce House Castle Birthday Party Theme Idea and More

One of the most awaited celebrations we moms look forward every year to is the birthday of our kids. Admit it, we moms always want to make this celebration extra special and memorable by coming up with a birthday party theme like princesses and other cartoon character our kids like the most. Speaking of birthday party themes, for my daughter’s coming birthday party celebration, the theme this year is all white, so I came up with an idea of having a White Bounce House Castle Birthday Party.

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Is Doing Your Best Enough To Be A Parent?

One of the things that you often hear people say when things don’t go their way is that they did their best. We’re told from a young age that all you can do is your best and that nobody can expect anything more from you, but is that true when you are a parent? Your kids need you to be your best for them as often as you can so that they have a good example growing up, but it’s true when people say that the most important thing is doing the best that you can. Let’s look at how you can do this.

  • Always Show Up

To be able to say that you have done your best to be the best parent possible, you need to always show up for your kids. When they need you, you need to be there, not just buy them material items, and hope that this makes up for your absence. It doesn’t. Showing up for your kids is the ultimate test of love, because there are going to be times when it is difficult for you to do so, but you have got to make it work Continue reading

Best Tips For Healing After a C-Section

Six years ago today, I delivered my third child thru a C-Section. She is now 6 years old growing healthy and cheerful.

Whether your c-section is planned or unplanned, it’s likely that you already know that recovery time is important. What you do during your recovery could be the difference between a slow recovery and a quick one. C-section recovery often takes a lot longer than recovery from a natural birth because it involves major surgery.

If you want to get back on your feet as quickly as possible, here are some of the best tips.

Physical Activity

Although you’ll need to rest completely for at least twenty-four hours after surgery, it can help to start moving around as soon as possible. You’ll need to take your time and move slowly but any movement is better than none. Sit and rest when you need to and take plenty of time to bond with your new baby.

You may need some help getting in and out of the shower but standing in the shower can help you to regain your strength. You’ll find that laughing and coughing may cause some pulling or discomfort near your incision. It can help ease pain if you hold a cushion to your incision when you need to cough or laugh. Continue reading

What Does a Hot Flash Feel Like?

If you’re entering menopause or approaching that time of life, you may be wondering what do hot flashes feel like so you can recognize if you’re experiencing one. As perhaps the most recognizable signs of menopause, it’s important to understand this sensation so you can address it and other symptoms. Here’s what you need to know about experiencing and resolving hot flashes, as well as how to handle other problems associated with menopause.

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Recognizing a Hot Flash

As the name implies, most hot flashes come on suddenly. Even when you’re in a cool room or outdoors in the chill of winter, the heat of one of these annoying attacks can cause extreme discomfort. Continue reading