Hey everyone!
I am looking for guest bloggers to promote on this blog: www.momsshoutout.com. You will have author bio and can promote any links you like. Topics accepted are as follows: Parenting, Health, Education, Fitness, Recipe, Career, Travels and Giveaways.
Submit your article at momshoutout@gmail.com
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Is there any specific requirements for authors/ bloggers to join as I’m afoodie most of the time where I do share about DIY recipe & crafts. May I have a try?
Apple Berry
Email: queenbiifoodie@gmail.com
Blog link: http://foodiequeenbii.blogspot.my/
Sure you can send any writings as long as it yours and please do add a short bio coz i’ll include it also in the post you write. thanks
Me, me, please.
I’d like to share my experience of finding out I have Postpartum Depression after three kids.
My email is m.mhrnndz@hotmail.come
Blog http://www.imommy.Co
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