Every parent wants their kid to focus and have fun in school as well as when they’re at home. Considering how many things you can do online, this productivity and enjoyment also extends to their devices. However, it’s natural for any parent to be cautious when letting their child use a tablet or browse the internet, so you should teach them how to stay safe on all devices around the home.
Supervise Them
Younger kids should always be supervised when browsing their tablet or computer. This isn’t always because you’re worried they will stumble across something inappropriate, but rather that you want to ensure they use the resources correctly. If you can highlight how to search, view, and create things on the computer, they will feel more comfortable using the device alone when they’re older and are less likely to fall for common hacking tricks.
Teach Them to Recognize Harmful Links
Once they get old enough and are more likely to use their devices for homework research or communicating with friends, you should teach them how to recognize harmful links such as phishing emails or links filled with viruses. You can use this cybersecurity kit to train your kids how to determine whether a link or folder is trustworthy and you can remind them to always err on the side of caution unless it’s from a trusted source like their school or a relative. Continue reading