People come to TikTok to be creative, find community, and have fun. Being authentic is valued by our community, and we take the responsibility of helping counter inauthentic, misleading, or false content to heart.
We remove misinformation as we identify it and partner with fact checkers at Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Lead Stories to help us assess the accuracy of content. If fact checks confirm content to be false, we’ll remove the video from our platform.
Sometimes fact checks are inconclusive or content is not able to be confirmed, especially during unfolding events. In these cases, a video may become ineligible for recommendation into anyone’s For You feed to limit the spread of potentially misleading information. Today, we’re taking that a step further to inform viewers when we identify a video with unsubstantiated content in an effort to reduce sharing.
Here’s how it works: First, a viewer will see a banner on a video if the content has been reviewed but cannot be conclusively validated.