When To Keep Your Child Home Sick From School

As the parent of a child who’s feeling under the weather, you might have concerns about when to keep him or her home from school. After all, you don’t want your child’s condition to worsen or to spread illness to other households. Not all illnesses that keep your children home will equal their need to stay laid up in bed and rest, either. Some illnesses that require a negative test (here’s looking at you, COVID) and long-term recovery can lead you to home-educate your kids with the help of Age of Learning. That way, they don’t fall behind even if they have to stay away from school for a while. Here’s what to consider the next time you’re struggling with this issue, as well as how to get your little one on the road to recovery.

Evaluating Your Child’s Symptoms

The good news is that when your child’s symptoms are mild and he or she isn’t experiencing much discomfort, it’s probably okay to send them to school. This means simple sniffles or coughs don’t always require staying at home. To reduce the duration of bothersome symptoms, treat your child with a homeopathic cough medicine. Continue reading

What Does a Hot Flash Feel Like?

If you’re entering menopause or approaching that time of life, you may be wondering what do hot flashes feel like so you can recognize if you’re experiencing one. As perhaps the most recognizable signs of menopause, it’s important to understand this sensation so you can address it and other symptoms. Here’s what you need to know about experiencing and resolving hot flashes, as well as how to handle other problems associated with menopause.

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Recognizing a Hot Flash

As the name implies, most hot flashes come on suddenly. Even when you’re in a cool room or outdoors in the chill of winter, the heat of one of these annoying attacks can cause extreme discomfort. Continue reading

Organique Acai Premium Blend For A Healthy Brain

The brain is the most important part of the body. It works with our heart to keep us alive – as the heart pumps blood throughout our body, the brain sends signals to signals to different body systems to perform its individual functions. It is the brain that helps provide energy to our body, move our muscles, remember information, digest food, and the headquarters of our emotions.

Having good health is always on top of our priorities, especially now that face-to-face classes and work are back. As we prepare for this comeback, it’s important that our body is protected from diseases, has enough energy to face the challenges outside and the brain is powered up with certain foods and nutrients to keep it healthy and can power up the body. To help our brain function properly, consuming food that can strengthen us mentally is important. According to BBC Good Food, rich carbohydrate foods like rice and bread, give our brain the energy it needs to function, especially since it takes up 20% of our energy taken from glucose. Vitamins B, C, D and E are also essential for maintaining normal brain functions, forming nerves and protecting us from brain-related illnesses.  It was also mentioned by Harvard Health that antioxidants are important too to keep our brain healthy and protect it from oxidative stress from free radicals. The free radicals are molecules produced from regular body processes. When not removed, these free radicals can damage cells and increase our risk for diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and heart disease.  Continue reading

Love and Protect Your Liver with Organique Acai Premium Blend

Good food, good drink and good time are part of Filipino culture. Filipinos are fond of celebrating and having get together with family and friends. May it be small or big gatherings, good food paired with alcoholic drink goes together always on the table. Drinking is always part of the celebration, but it’s best to take it in moderation. Take note that excessive alcohol and fatty food can lead to the development of serious health problems in our body particularly our liver. Diseases include hepatitis, live cirrhosis, and worst liver cancer. These three diseases of the liver caused by too much fatty food and alcohol are connected.

According to the explanation of Dr. Roel Tolentino, a surgical oncologist from St. Luke’s Medical Center, hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver can be cause by too much alcohol consumption. Hepatitis comes in different forms and causes. Continue reading

Healthy and Stress-Free with Organique Acai

As the COVID-19 pandemic eases, things are getting back to normal like going back to office, having face to face classes, allowing seniors and minors going into public places. This only means that stressful days cause by heavy traffic and no parking spaces are back again. To mention as well the price hike of gas and other basic needs can add stress to a lot of people emotionally, mentally, financially and even physically.  Stress can lead to health problems, so it is important that we know and need to manage our stress well.


Stress is a normal part of life, it can either be acute (immediate) or chronic (long-lasting). The release of different “stress hormones” such as cortisol and adrenaline help us out of dangerous situations. If we are stressed every day, our health could end up in trouble. Signs of stress are Continue reading