As the parent of a child who’s feeling under the weather, you might have concerns about when to keep him or her home from school. After all, you don’t want your child’s condition to worsen or to spread illness to other households. Not all illnesses that keep your children home will equal their need to stay laid up in bed and rest, either. Some illnesses that require a negative test (here’s looking at you, COVID) and long-term recovery can lead you to home-educate your kids with the help of Age of Learning. That way, they don’t fall behind even if they have to stay away from school for a while. Here’s what to consider the next time you’re struggling with this issue, as well as how to get your little one on the road to recovery.
Evaluating Your Child’s Symptoms
The good news is that when your child’s symptoms are mild and he or she isn’t experiencing much discomfort, it’s probably okay to send them to school. This means simple sniffles or coughs don’t always require staying at home. To reduce the duration of bothersome symptoms, treat your child with a homeopathic cough medicine.
The main things to watch for that point toward holding kids out of class are fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and rash-producing illnesses like chickenpox or measles. These symptoms or conditions are not conducive to participating in school activities and are often highly contagious. Also, consider how much care your child might need, even with mild symptoms. If he or she isn’t very good at covering his or her mouth and nose during sneezes and coughs or is prone to letting a runny nose drip all over, it may be better to keep your sick one at home.
How Long To Keep Your Child Home Sick
In the same way that symptoms and severity dictate whether your child should stay home, they also serve as indicators for returning to school. In the case of a fever, most doctors recommend waiting at least 24 hours after one has broken. Reducers should no longer be needed to bring the fever down.
If your child has been vomiting or has diarrhea, you should be certain the spells have passed and that your little one is holding down food before sending them back to class. For illnesses like measles or chickenpox, your child’s pediatrician should make the call, as the school will often require a medical release.
Other Ways To Facilitate Recovery
In addition to providing homeopathic medicine for congestion in chest and other over-the-counter therapies, there are more ways to speed your child’s recovery so he or she can return to class. Basic healthy practices like getting extra rest and drinking plenty of clear fluids go a long way toward helping your sick one feel better. You can also add a humidifier to his or her room to relieve a stuffy nose and give honey with warm water to soothe sore throats and coughs.
The next time your child is sick, use these tips to determine if he or she should stay home and for how long. Regardless of whether you keep your child out of school or not, treating what’s troubling him or her is the key to a quicker recovery. Hop online today to find the best over-the-counter flu medicine and other homeopathic remedies, so you’re ready to take care of your little one the next time he or she feels poorly.