Karate-do: A Healthy Dose


At an early age of 7 years old, my little man is into martial arts, particularly the Shotokan Karate-do. It all started when I enrolled him in a free Karate-do Summer Clinic 2016 sponsored by the City of Tacloban Philippines. After that summer clinic, he is now a regular student of Shotokan Karate-do in Leyte.

Some parents may think that letting kids get martial arts training is not a good idea because it promotes violence as what is seen in many movies and video games. However, as what I have observed in the 4 hours weekend Karate-do class of my little man, I don’t agree with that opinion of some parents. Actually, martial arts help kids to achieve fitness, develops self-discipline and socialization skills. Aside from the mentioned benefits of martial arts, below are additional punch of healthy dose kids can acquire in martial arts training:

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