Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the year 2021 was sort of a banner year for the Philippines regarding its participation in various electronic sports (Esports) events, either locally or internationally, where Pinoy players have dominated the majority of these competitions.
No wonder, with the lucrative money prizes and distinctions that await eSports athletes, the eSports market in the country grew further. And since smartphones continue to become the ubiquitous gadget for Filipinos, coupled with improving mobile internet connectivity, expect esports to continue to attract youngsters to the eSports arena.
One such esports team is “Virgin Souls.”

“Our team was named ‘Virgin Souls’ because we have a business called ‘Virgin Soles,’ which is a sneaker cleaning product. We loved the name ‘Virgin Souls’ because we wanted to show the other teams our ‘clean and smooth moves,’” explains Ingrid, team manager of Virgin Souls, whose members include Jetson Ignacio, Kharl Tan, Kristofer Calderon, Joshua Albino, Steven Buenaventura, Mark Cabigting, and Coach, Laurence Ruiz.